Download from NCBI

On the page of target dataset, here I’m trying to retrieve data from GEO Series Series GSE173771 here

Below Supplementary fild section, click the link of “SRA Run Selector” to obtain accession list:


“Prefetch is a part of the SRA toolkit. This program downloads Runs (sequence files in the compressed SRA format) and all additional data necessary to convert the Run from the SRA format to a more commonly used format. Prefetch can be used to correct and finish an incomplete Run download.”

For more info on prefetch and sra download, you can also refer to this page.

To install SRA toolkit of your system:

After setting up the toolkit, entire target folder:

cd ./data_path_to_download_into/

# make command list:

cat ../SRR_Acc_List.txt | while read id
echo prefetch ${id} -O ./
done > prefetch.command

# take a look
cat prefetch.command

# run downloading
nohup bash prefetch.command &

Format convert

mkdir fastq

cd fastq
ln -s ~/path/to/1.sra_data/* ./fastq/

cat ../SRR_Acc_List.txt | while read id
# fasterq-dump is also part of src-toolkit
echo "fasterq-dump -e 32 --split-files -O ./ --outfile ${id}.fastq ../sra/${id}.sra"    
echo "pigz -p 16 -f ./${id}_1.fastq"
echo "pigz -p 16 -f ./${id}_2.fastq"
done >

nohup bash &

Or, it could be another option to download data (fastq) from EMBL-EBI

Generate download path

On ENA homepage: search for GSE173771:

We can download fastq files directly, or with Aspera, use command line to download them.

Created at 03/21/2022, editted at 5/10/2022 by vikkki 🌲